Spirulina, Heavy Metal Detox
Dec 10, 2019
Unfortunately in our modern world heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminum are found in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. They can also be found in makeup, shampoo, tooth fillings, deodorant, and fuel for your car pretty much everywhere.

Berries are good for you.
As our bodies work like sponges and absorb these toxins over the years, we will be exposed by some degree or another to heavy metals which build up in our bodies. Their existence puts notable stress on our bodies, slowly weakening our immune systems, poisoning our livers, and a score of other related illnesses. If your reading this, you are one of the those folks that is already living a healthy lifestyle or would like to do so, and wish to rid your body of accumulated metals. Some foods have minimal nutritional value and slow down the detox process, like processed foods and excess fats. There are foods and supplements that can help you detoxify by getting rid of heavy metals from your body such as fruits and vegetables. Heavy metal detox foods to eat include cilantro, garlic, wild blueberries, lemon, green tea and spirulina.
You ask how spirulina can help. Spirulina works as a chelator, meaning it can “bind”, and aid as a natural detoxifier removing metals form our bodies. As a spirulina cell has a large surface area it has the ability to chelate the metals and expel them through our urine. Taking a 3 gram dose a day, which is roughly a tea spoon of spirulina, will aid in that detoxification. Adding spirulina to your daily routine may help. Eating a well-balanced diet, staying away from processed foods, and going out for some exercise is also key. There isn’t a magic bullet that can cure all our ailments. Yet by eating well and exercising we can aid our bodies in detoxifying and help towards achieving a healthier you.
Always remember to purchase spirulina from your local cultivator or trusted source.
This blog post is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Spirulina, Heavy Metal Detox
Dec 10, 2019
Unfortunately in our modern world heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminum are found in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. They can also be found in makeup, shampoo, tooth fillings, deodorant, and fuel for your car pretty much everywhere.

Berries are good for you.
As our bodies work like sponges and absorb these toxins over the years, we will be exposed by some degree or another to heavy metals which build up in our bodies. Their existence puts notable stress on our bodies, slowly weakening our immune systems, poisoning our livers, and a score of other related illnesses. If your reading this, you are one of the those folks that is already living a healthy lifestyle or would like to do so, and wish to rid your body of accumulated metals. Some foods have minimal nutritional value and slow down the detox process, like processed foods and excess fats. There are foods and supplements that can help you detoxify by getting rid of heavy metals from your body such as fruits and vegetables. Heavy metal detox foods to eat include cilantro, garlic, wild blueberries, lemon, green tea and spirulina.
You ask how spirulina can help. Spirulina works as a chelator, meaning it can “bind”, and aid as a natural detoxifier removing metals form our bodies. As a spirulina cell has a large surface area it has the ability to chelate the metals and expel them through our urine. Taking a 3 gram dose a day, which is roughly a tea spoon of spirulina, will aid in that detoxification. Adding spirulina to your daily routine may help. Eating a well-balanced diet, staying away from processed foods, and going out for some exercise is also key. There isn’t a magic bullet that can cure all our ailments. Yet by eating well and exercising we can aid our bodies in detoxifying and help towards achieving a healthier you.
Always remember to purchase spirulina from your local cultivator or trusted source.
This blog post is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.