About Apogee Spirulina

At Apogee, we have a great crew of algae lovers that work hard to cultivate the best spirulina. We farm our spirulina the way the French artisans taught us: small batch, by hand, with care and the utmost concern that the algae you’re putting into your body is the best and healthiest spirulina out there.

And so France is where we cut our artisanal, algaepreneurial teeth. The French, more than almost anyone out there, have the healthiest approach to spirulina farming. They do it right. And, fortunately for us, they were willing to take us under their wing. We were taught the rhythm of farming spirulina and to understand the opportune time to harvest the algae at its peak of wholesomeness.

And so our mission is to pass it forward. Which is why we keep our farm at the size it is: manageable.

Our Philosophy

At Apogee, spirulina isn’t just a product. It’s a reflection of how we try to live our lives: healthily. Positively. Sharingly.

Apogee: the highest point. It’s what we strive for. We want our spirulina to be the best there is, not just for our customers but also for ourselves. That’s because it’s kind of become a way of life. A way of living, and being. Spirulina wasn’t so much something we chose as a career, it’s a way of living that opened up to us, a way of living we hope others open up to as well.

Sure, it’s become our trade. But because of what it is, and because of the folks who passed it on to us, who shared their way of harvesting spirulina with us, spirulina represents something far more. It represents possibilities. It points to something grander. And it’s low impact, it’s water-based, it’s billions of years old. And it comes from the sun. What could be more pure? More free? More universal?

Besides, it’s fun. It’s clean and clear and it makes you feel good. Not just good in the way that eating your broccoli makes you feel like you’ve done your good-vegetable-deed for the day, but good in a deeper way. In an almost existential way.

About Apogee Spirulina

At Apogee, we have a great crew of algae lovers that work hard to cultivate the best spirulina. We farm our spirulina the way the French artisans taught us: small batch, by hand, with care and the utmost concern that the algae you’re putting into your body is the best and healthiest spirulina out there.

And so France is where we cut our artisanal, algaepreneurial teeth. The French, more than almost anyone out there, have the healthiest approach to spirulina farming. They do it right. And, fortunately for us, they were willing to take us under their wing. We were taught the rhythm of farming spirulina and to understand the opportune time to harvest the algae at its peak of wholesomeness.

And so our mission is to pass it forward. Which is why we keep our farm at the size it is: manageable.

Our Philosophy

At Apogee, spirulina isn’t just a product. It’s a reflection of how we try to live our lives: healthily. Positively. Sharingly.

Apogee: the highest point. It’s what we strive for. We want our spirulina to be the best there is, not just for our customers but also for ourselves. That’s because it’s kind of become a way of life. A way of living, and being. Spirulina wasn’t so much something we chose as a career, it’s a way of living that opened up to us, a way of living we hope others open up to as well.

Sure, it’s become our trade. But because of what it is, and because of the folks who passed it on to us, who shared their way of harvesting spirulina with us, spirulina represents something far more. It represents possibilities. It points to something grander. And it’s low impact, it’s water-based, it’s billions of years old. And it comes from the sun. What could be more pure? More free? More universal?

Besides, it’s fun. It’s clean and clear and it makes you feel good. Not just good in the way that eating your broccoli makes you feel like you’ve done your good-vegetable-deed for the day, but good in a deeper way. In an almost existential way.